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Martyrdom of love

Sacro Cuore di Gesù:   quadro conservato nel   Coro del Monastero come desiderò   suor M. Consolata Betrone
The Sacred Heart of Jesus:
a picture hung in the
Convent choir as Sister Maria
Consolata Betrone wanted

In November 1944 she notes : "For many days my soul has halted on this divine phrase - 'Sacrificial victim for sacrificial victim'". It is in this way that, for the peace of the world, for the dying and for all souls she many times repeats the offer of herself as the sacrifice of expiation, as true contemplative who intercedes for the whole humanity. In particular, that redeeming love which rendered her crucified with the Crucifix was for those who, also called to it in the special way of following Christ, lacked faithfulness because overcome by sin.

On November 9 1934 Consolata wrote: " Jesus revealed to me the intimate sufferings of His Heart caused by the faithlessness of souls consecrated to Him". We thus enter into the deepest throbbing of her interior world, that which would bring her with generosity to the "summit of pain" and to a boundless maternity of souls to bring to salvation. Jesus and Consolata: together in love, together in pain, together to deliver back millions of souls to the Father rich in Compassion.

On September 24 1945 Sister Consolata asked for half a day of rest and she laid down. The Mother Abbess took her temperature - nearly 39°! How long has she been carrying on like this? In June 1939 she let drop a phrase from her pen: "It costs me to die in little pieces".

To her hidden condition of illness and to her stern life of penitence will be added in short, as well, the hardships of the years of the Second World War. Consolata will literally suffer from hunger, but with the generosity of always: she will transform this tragedy into "an ascetic theology of the appetite" ! It is the last act of love: the one that will cost her her life. In winter 1944 her corpse-like colour betrays her. In obedience she subjects herself to a medical visit. The doctor's reply was "simply" : "This sister is not ill, she is destroyed". On October 25 1945 the X-ray reveals the damage to her lungs. On November 4 she leaves for the sanatorium. She will remain there until July 3 1946, when an ambulance will return her, in the last stages of consumption, to the Convent of Moriondo. Now, "everything is finished", to begin again in Heaven. The Sister dies at dawn on July 18. The "regal Te Deum" of her life is fulfilled in the transfiguration of a single prayer: "I love you, Lord, my strength!" (Ps 17, 2).